Spelling and Spelling reform
updated August 22 2013
Human engineering for the English writing system
to meet the needs and abilities
of readers, writers, learners and the international world
See also Literacy and Writing Systems
The Rules of English spelling on one page!- Making English spelling obey its major rules would remove many of its difficulties.
Spelling reserch 1
Spelling reserch 2. Surplus letters
Parallel Texts to help those with difficulty
International Literacy Day, September 8, See these ozideas pages on literacy, Reading Cribs, education
Petition – a trial of help in the literacy crisis- Experiment! Petition to the public, Press and spellcheckers – See if u agree with it! Tell yr frends.
The principles of Interspel, Spelling on one page - modernizing present spelling, with 3 levels:-
Level 1.Dictionary Key and beginners spelling,
Level 2 with morfemic visual modifications for writing,
Level 3 with optional spellings for Reading without traps, making present spelling also readable.
Key Papers
- Seven principles to repair the English spelling system. 2007. Also pdf
- The Design of Spelling to Match Needs and Abilities. 1986. pdf
Problems in research in the design of English spelling. 1994. pdf
- Proposal for an International Commission on English Spelling reform. 2005.pdf
- Introduction
- Needs and abilities of users and learners
- The nature and teaching of English spelling
- Improving English spelling, and research
- Spelling as entertainment
- References
- Bringing in improved English spelling
- The 16-word spelling test - common words that prove that most people cannot spell.
1. Introduction
Needs and abilities of users and learners
3. The nature and teaching of English spelling
4. Improving English spelling
- English Spelling Rules on One Page 2009
and a base in the BBC Text Pronunciation Guide
Where do you start? Beginners and users of present spelling, as writers and readers. See Spelling Rules on One Page
- Seven principles to repair English spelling, 2007
- Interspel 2007 - How the seven principls might be applied. -/spintersp.htm - (as for 7 principls)
- Diacritics for English 'long' vowels to cut the Gordian knot - /spdiacrit.htm (à è ì ò ù)
- Some older pages, showing the development of ideas about reform, and complementing the updates:
- Spelling improvement. 2002.
- Cutting out surplus letters. Streamline - a first step in updating spelling
- Cutting out surplus letters. Materials that can be used in experiments.
Parallel Texts - an example, the Beautiful Princess in 3 stages of reform
- Experimental research in cutting surplus letters. Findings of pilot experiments.
- Quik gidelines for a next step, with sampl texts, and furthr notes for FASTR Spelling
- Further steps you can try yourself, with f, j, consistent word endings and vowel spellings.
- Further experiments to spel sensibly - Pronunciation and gramr, and a final solusion?
- The future of English spelling. What can be done?
- Spelling for international English language schemes, such as Globish and Basic Global English
5. Spelling as entertainment
6. References
7. Bringing in improved English spelling
Spelling for the next 2000 years
No change at all?
Why doesn't everyone enjoy
reading books?
Why is English spelling a social screening
test, insted of a user-frendly tool?
How does English spelling keep
the workers down?
Why are adult literacy programs so costly, slow
and unsuccessful?
Why do English-speaking countries spend the most on
literacy and achieve so litl?
Now imajin the sort of spelling that
you would like.
Comunications Tecnology is changing fast. The basic element of
written comunication is the oldest part of that tecnology - spelling
- but spelling is still tecnology, and it can be made more
Internationally, the defects of English spelling affect the
Spelling has been made into a
totem and a social screening
device. These are not its primary purpose - which is
Few people read well. Most
people cannot spell well. Learning to read in English is notoriously
dificult. The iminent obsolesence of print literacy is now often
predicted because it is 'more tedious' and needs 'enormous human and
economic resources' to try to teach - unsuccessfully.
All other major languages have improved or even
revolutionised their writing systems, but their teaching of literacy
is still held back by following the lead of Anglo-American reserch
and exampls, which are foxed by English spelling problems.
The present time of flux and innovation on the Internet is
a millennial opportunity for global experiment.
These pages set out needs and abilities of readers, writers and
lerners which must be taken into account and must be based on
empirical reserch, not mere argument.Also described are features that
might characterise a user-frendly spelling which remains close to our
present system - by cleaning up its lackof system.
Faster spelling
.. Fastr spelling
.. ..Fastr
A simpl way to start improving English spelling by cutting the clutter.
FASTR's user-friendly features can be taken up by anyone at any
time for personal use. Public experience during transition can clear
a way to official development. 'Fastr Spelling' should not be
dismissed by arguing from outdated assumptions. The real test is
whether it could be useful in a time of English-language literacy's
greatest challenge.
Five aims for a Fastr Spelling
- To meet the needs and abilities of users and
lerners at home and abroad,
- To suit the nature of the English language
- To improve the efficiency and speed of readers and
- To promote the usefulness of English as an international
- To be compatibl with present spelling and our heritage
of print
- To make posibl greatly improved methods of teaching
Five features of a Fastr Spelling
- Omit superfluous letters in words
- Use consistent consonant spellings
- Reduce over 240 spellings for English vowel sounds to
- Facilitate reading for meaning thru sound-symbol
relationships modified by twelv grammatical, morfemic and
problem-solving principls.
- Open the way to furthr reforms of vowel spellings and
alfanumeric characters
Imajin making English spelling more user-frendly some
time in the next hundred years
along with all the other marvels of sìentific invention
16-word Spelling Test
If you cannot spell these 16 words correctly, do not worry. Most professors and educators and psychologists and teachers cannot
spell them all.
Why don't you get all these spellings correct?
Because every word has letters in it that are not needed
- a waste of your time and energy to remember what the surplus letters are, where they should go, and writing them out.
More about the 16 word Spelling