Latest update 22 April 2015
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Online Opinion for political opinions
The Ozroypublic The future for Australia!
Violence and guns
Regional currencies can escape global financial troubles by complementing national currencies without being linked to them.
New Year calendar of revolutions - Solve a problem a day
A TV and radio serial at 8 p.m. in which Ministers of the Crown in turn present the work being done in their department, and finally the Leader of the Opposition states the opposition case where it differs. The advantages are many.See valerieyulesletters.
Democracy and Elections: Making elections democratic. At present voters are not adequately informed, and they do not have a decent chance to vote in their own interests. Costs are excessive and benefit media advertisers. These abuses could be reformed.
Australian citizenship and human rights
Including short versions of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, made easier to read in three ways, so that everyone can read it.
Versions to print out in spelling without traps
Population. 13 draft FACT SHEETS about the World and Australia now available as pdfs, for others to complete, revise and use. Population - A UN Convention on the Right to a Child
Updated Index of 296 Ozideas Web pages
For the latest news on the Australian environment and stopping government blunders see
Stimulating the economy by splashing money ?
It's time to revisit Jobs that are needed and Jobs for the future
Evidence for Climate Change
Tacklng climate change by cutting the production of waste, and economic consequences.
And see A Fantasy of Climate change at Animal Farm
Links to online magazines and articls
Crisis of mental energy
The Australia 2020 Summit must have practical results, with action on its social inventions. The Fringe Ruddfest
Radical submissions on the 10 Summit topics
OzIdeas 2008 at is an extension of OzIdeas 1, with new pages, plus many of these pages updated in a new layout easier to download and print It is also easy to send in your own comments and ideas on each topic.
Links to online magazines and articles -
Economic and environmental
2007 The economy is NOT strong.
2007 Planned obsolescence and climate change
2007 Cutting waste: Unchecked consumption will waste the planet
2008 Cutting waste without destroying economies
2008 Rubbishing plastic bags
2007 More democratic elections
2007 Population as a front page issue.
2007 Crisis of Human Energy.
2007 Medical compensation as a right
SURVIVAL - what is most urgent?
What life-style and what economics will be possible
with climate-change? Cutting carbon emissions by cutting waste
Links to organizations concerned with practical responses to climate change and future life-style
What the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum
missed out on:
• Poverty and population growth
The most serious problem of this century -
Why poverty is not history. Poverty prevention.
World Population growth pdf The staggering figures,
Graphs and updated Tables.
Cycles and crashes of populations over history
Notes on population Problems of population growth
Population growth and the interests that drive it
Living green -quality life-style with jobs and profits maintained, in world without waste, preventing climate changes, and saving the world's resources.
Saving Water with 101 water-saving tips
Imagining Peace - the Kilkenny Solution to war

Inside Childrens Minds - a book of stories told by children about their drawings, telling what they are thinking. From Bookpal, publishers, and onlime and bookshop distributors.
1. Dr. Valeries Yule's Blog posts:
2. See the letters the media would not publish!
Spelling Reserch 1. 22 August 2013
Spelling reserch 2. - Surplus letters
New Publication! Writing systems and how they change.Now on amazon.
Experiment with Parallel Texts ! The literacy crisis is still not solvd - so experiment, for the sake of the disadvantaged, dyslexic and forin-born
Reading cribs for Parallel Texts
International Literacy Day - September 8. See these ozideas pages on literacy, Reading Cribs, education and spelling
Reading cribs to help lerners
Video - take-home video for adult literacy - rationale, research, content pdf. International Review of Education.
Publications Part 1 1950-1978
Children ask questions - the Socratic quiz
English Today, 107, vol 27, No 3. Sept 2011, pp 62-67, 'Recent developments which affect spelling. On the possibility of removing the unnecessary difficulties in English spelling, while leaving the basic appearance of English print intact.' pdf
Make your own self-help half-hour cartoon literacy video
Many schools and colleges have the technology to make a cartoon literacy video, with graphics and animated text to link speech and print.
Petition – a trial of help in the literacy crisis- Experiment! Petition to the public, Press and spellcheckers – See if u agree with it! Tell yr frends.
Ways to spell and say vowels
Fast-track reading book - an exampl of how to do it is halfway down the page.
Learn to read and spell a new way -
from a dictionary-pronunciation guide, thru to how to spell in a reformd way with a reason for everything, to how to read spelling without 149 vairiants, and so, if u will, to read present spelling.
Dictionary Pronunciation Gide and beginners learning spelling set out in Tables with the International Phonetic Alphabet
Val Yules blog of Letters, published and unpublished
Index of My Romantic No-Waste Cottage Garden
Index of Waste Nothing series
Val Yule's articles in Open Writing
A dictionary pronunciation gide and starter for beginners and set out in Tables
A Parallel Text primer of Human Rights
More about A Dictionary Pronunciation Guide and
starter for beginners, based on a modified
BBC Text Pronunciation Guide
New Developments in Spelling
...FIVE Facsimile books are now online!
1. Volume 1 of an early edition of Arthur Mee's famous Children's Encyclopedia
Stories told - not written - by disadvantaged and disturbed children aged 3 to 17, in 'What happens to children: the origins of violence', 1979, on Google Books
(Please disregard inncorrect ABN) and Issuu
with copies at cost price at Lulu
3.PSYCHOLOGY FOR TEENAGERS: Making the most of who you are – Available via Google Books here and on Lulu here.
4. TATSLINA, THE GYPSY PRINCESS, by Kirsty Anderson aged 12 (This is not the 14-year-old Kirsty Anderson who also has a story online.) Read at Google Books; also viewable at issuu - click here.
5. THE BOOK OF SPELLS AND MISSPELLS .Online and fully viewable under www.digbys account at Issuu and through Google books. Online for purchase through lulu under Valerie Yule account here.
Twenty Lullabies to sing to babies
Spelling: Updated June 28 2009
The Rules of English spelling on only one page!
With the BBC Text Pronunciation Guide adapted for the basic Dictionary Key and beginners first learning.
Making English spelling obey its own rules would remove difficulties that are quite unnecessary and hinder world literacy. All those surplus letters in words, for exampl.
Cutting redundant letters in spelling, and experimental materials you can use in your own reserch. See also Pilot reserch
The 120 Worst Spelling Demons
and what makes them Demons
75% of spelling demons have surplus letters.
A spelling crib that helps lerners to read interesting stories
The costs of English spelling
Updated - The principles of Interspel, modernizing present spelling, with 3 levels,
Level 1.Dictionary Key and beginners spelling,
Level 2 with morfemic visual modifications for writing, Level 3 with optional spellings for Reading without traps, making present spelling also readabl.
The Book of Spells and Misspells is now out of print, but can be downloaded here as a pdf
Test then Teach - Making tests useful for lerners
Living in society
Insomnia - making use of sleeplessness
Help the Aged - How government, industry, publishing and the media can stop making life harder for the growing numbers of elderly, and help to keep them independent.
A Really New Book of Manners that oil the wheels of living
Natural Childcare and Unnatural Childcare
News about the Literacy DVD, Help yourself to read and spell . . 30-minute program to watch 3 times to clear up
gaps and confusions The English writing system in cartoon video to help lerners and teachers -
Free to copy and download
Can literacy be made easier? The Psychologist, April 2007Free help in dyslexia testing and clearing up problems -
An International English Spelling Commission for English as the world's lingua franca. pdf
A pronunciation key for international English language schemes, such as Globish and Basic Global English