for better life-styles
Links to related organizations: These suggestions are made with no responsibility for their content, or necessarily agreeing with them. But they may help you think. Global Ideas Bank, Institute for Social Inventions, Yahoo 'for good', and in Australia, Sustainable Living Foundation, Ceres, Alternative Technology Association, Earth Garden, Ethical Investments
Successful Living in a future world
- Pleasures - non-destructive pleasures, to enjoy life! /pleasnon.htm
- Ceremonies for the Millennium years - /milcer.html
- Citizens! Be a lively citizen. Take part in current affairs! Write letters instead of grumbling!
- Drugs. Alternatives to drugs. Rather than 'fight drugs', turn to better alternatives to live, to find consolations, to have excitement, to extend consciousness and sensations, to 'escape'. More about drugs and alternatives
- Entertainment. Alternatives to violent entertainment.
- Gambling. Better uses for the vital gambling instinct. Alternatives to money-gambling.
- Gardening - a wild romantic garden - /garden.htm and see archived series in
- Imagination. The pleasures of the Wishing Game
- Humor - good humor and bully humor
- Mental energy - a source of pleasure that is in crisis
- Millionaires. Games for millionaires
- Museums - a peace museum
- News we would like to know
- Ozroypublic - the Greatest Show in Government and on television
- Poetry. Poems of liberation.
- Sport - at its best.
- Sport. An OzOlympics
- Sport. The possibilities for the Commonwealth Games 2010, Delhi
- Sport. A SkillOlympics - the skills needed for modern times, as the Greek Olympics promoted the skills they needed then
- Sport - An Australia Cup
- Sport - Community Soccer for all ages together
Television. Ideas for television programs Updated December 2006
- Television. Shakespeare's comment.
- Verses for our times.
- Xmas. Ideas for Christmas. xmas.htm, xmas03.htm, xmasnowaste.htm
Concepts and Language
- the ways we think, the ways we talk
Alternative concepts for the 21st century. Words are swords that help to change thinking and behaviour
Concepts of hope
Social concepts for the 21st century
Concepts of people. The English language needs more words for people.
Concepts of sex. Innovations in on-sexist language and gender-neutral words
Concepts of Adult. The meaning of 'Mature Adult'.
Swearing - Better swearing is less
boring and more imaginative.
Language in illness. When sign language is possible during rehabilitation from strokes. (It is not always possible)
The cheapest way to look beautiful without surgery: a magic mirror. I only look about fifty in my mirror, not 78, especially with my glasses off. So I carry that picture in my mind all day, and it is psychologically very effective. As my eyesight worsens, other people all look beautiful too.
New Year 2007 Message for all the year
New Year calendars - for the months and for the days
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