India 2010

can set a precedent for truly
Common Wealth Games
for the modern age and modern needs

1. New Trends.
2. Simple and Gorgeous Ceremonies that do not overspend the earth
3. New Events
4. Language
5. More about SkillOlympics

and see report of the Melbourne OzOlympics!

India has opportunities to set new directions and precedents for the Commonwealth Games, fit for the modern age and its challenges. Melbourne 2006 took the Games to a pinnacle in some ways, and as far as they should go in others. At the same time that the little country of Australia was spending a billion dollars or more to provide lavish spectacles in the south, it was being devastated by cyclones in the north that even more need money, energy, enterprise and yes, physical skills of a different sort.

Now is the time to revive some of the old goals and to set some new ones. Some new events are needed for modern times, when human energy is still needed to complement energy from fossil fuels.

Further notes are available on all points, and regarding medals and medal tables

1. Changing trends

that have gone too far. India is in a good historical situation to turn around features of the Games that need to be stopped. Let us list them, and look at alternatives.

Costs in long-term intensive training of elite athletes and spectacle in staging the Games have become excessive, so far beyond the resources of most competing nations. Too many people and businesses jump on the bandwagon to rake in profits provided from the public purse.

Stop one-eyed chauvinist obsessions to win gold medals at almost any cost, calling other competitors 'foes' instead of friendly rivals. Remember the international value of the Games as Games, a meeting place to enjoy each others' cultures and performances. India's souvenir of their Games should celebrate every participating country, however poor. Stop winners chest-thumping, hugging and showing-off, and replace with the courtesy and modesty that has been traditional in both Asian and British cultures. Winning can still be a graceful spectacle for viewers to enjoy. After all, these are only sports champions, and their achievements are not saving the world, much as they add to our pleasure.

Breaking records in current sports is becoming harder, and at great physical and emotional expense to athletes. Too many young people are dedicating their lives to going up and down and round and round. These were not original aims of the Olympics. Spectators should be happy and excited to see talented amateurs doing their best, with training conditions and facilities that most of the competing countries can afford. Sports funding can then concentrate more on improving the health of the whole people, and the armies of professionals who are now devoted to grooming elites can be turned to giving everyone 'a sporting chance'.

There are drawbacks of focus on records attempts in events where records are now near the limit of natural human endurance or skill. Athletes are suffering too much physical damage, often permanent. There are strong temptations to illegal chemical assistance, which can damage them in body and mind. Spectators risk acquiring appetites like the Coliseum spectators, with a taste for voyeurism of suffering. They expect damaged athletes to still compete, at permanent risks to their health for what is not really heroic. Commentators and pictures at the Melbourne Games put too much of a focus on the strain and agony in the faces of the competitors - bad enough in the boxing, but malign when it extends to the peaceful sports as well. Athletes should be able to enjoy competing, rather than be on a painful rack to win.

Pleasure in watching healthy bodies in action should still allow athletes to preserve some modesty if they wish in what they wear.

Delight in our international variety and friendship should be an essential part of the Commonwealth Games. Preparations for the Games can including 'twinning' of wealthier countries and localities with poorer ones, so that the wealthy can send over some equipment, such as running shoes, visits by a coach or two, and help to improve nutrition and public help in the poorer country.


All competing athletes should have the chance if they wish to see the opening and closing ceremonies, not held outside as if they were merely gladiators. One at least of the ceremonies should be in daylight at the athletics track, so all the teams can go around the track and be seen by everyone and every TV camera.

Spectacle need not be so costly when it is realized that BIG, MORE, and MORE EXPENSIVE and LAVISH is not necessarily the best spectacle, and rivalry in expenditure is stupid. 100 dancers can be as effective as 1000; three seconds of fireworks as spectacular as minutes. TV can be used much better to show the details of what is going on (and see SkillOlympics). No releases of doves or balloons because of the consequences of what happens to them.

The entertainment at opening and closing ceremonies should be international, apart from say ten minutes of the host-nation's own presentation. For a country like India, this could well be a display of its regional variety. The host nation will have many other opportunities at the Games for visitors to see its national entertainments. At the ceremonies, all the competing nations should be able to contribute say a dancer or pair of dancers among a multinational dancing event on stage, to a musical medley that accommodates a variety of styles. They need not even dress up if that will be a problem for poor countries. Volunteers can help guide them to their place on the stage.

At the ceremonies, the teams could even enter with a national playing a musical instrument of their choice for the time it takes to enter and proceed before the next team comes on. Imagine! the different sorts of drums, pipes, fiddles, cymbals! anything inexpensive that can be easily packed and brought. If they have none, a team could enter singing a national song. A large team might have a variety - e.g. Australians playing gum-leaves or coo-eeing. Encourage national dress, which could be made to order in India beforehand if necessary. Tourists might like to buy national costumes to take home as souvenirs.

Some of the sports events

in Commonwealth Games need reconsidering, and new events are also needed. The original Olympic Games between the Greek city states were about the physical skills needed at the time to be warriors and hunters, plus contests in the arts of drama, music and poetry.

What are the physical skills that need to be encouraged today? Many remain the same. Running, swimming, pentathlons, and so on. But some events are like the hop-skip-and-jump, which fortunately has been dropped long ago. Let us think about what events are now desirable in an age when physical exercise and skills are still needed, not only for health, but to run the economy well and to save waste of resources and fuels.

Some examples follow, in no order of priority.


The present contests are off the mark, when in affluent countries the risk of back injuries can now prevent patients in hospitals being lifted by nurses, and cleaners from really cleaning. Weight-lifting events could include, for example:

  • Races carrying jars of water on the head. Many poorer countries would have an advantage in this race.
  • Barrow-pushing or pulling. Light barrows to minimise risk of injury.
  • Human weight-lifting. Judged like the present gymnastics, for skill rather than just speed. One or two people dress and undress a prone 'patient' and then carry the patient a certain distance. This could be associated in public life with a Diploma in Weight lifting, which gives a wages weighting to nurses and others who need to be able to lift without damaging their backs.

Some of the present events are plain silly. Some alternatives:

  • Rescue swimming. Swimmers swim a length to collect someone (or an effigy) and then bear them for three lengths as if rescuing them.
  • Free swimming. Swimmers can use any stroke they like. This will encourage the development of faster ways to swim.
  • 'Steeple-chase' swimming. Competitors jump into preferably shallow water (to provide an example of safe entry into shallow waters, not risking diving) and then navigate bars across the pool, pick up underwater objects, and bring them back.

Include a barefoot race. Many poor countries would have a good chance here.

Cycling events.

These are very suitable for today's needs. There could be an event including cycle maintenance - changing and repairing a wheel.

Power generating.

Exercise that generates electricity - e.g. re-charging batteries or powering motors. As indicators speed up, the crowds could get very excited.

A 'fun run'.

After the marathons, a thousand pre-selected under-15s get the chance to run part of the way and around the arena, dressed at least in part in national costumes and waving as they go round the arena. No winners, just wavers!.


Running with kites in some wide-open place could be a fun-event, not taken too seriously because of weather variations. Kites could be made/assembled for the purpose.


India is now the nation with the most English-speakers and English-users, and so has a right to make its writing system more efficient. In a multi-lingual country with some very sensible writing systems, Indians are also very aware of the problems of written English - that is, English spelling. India is a leader in information tecnology, and so is well placed to give a lead in clearing up some of the unpredictable clutter in English spelling, because spelling is a basic element in comunications today.

Multilingual notices at the Games could be an exelent place to test out the value of clearing spelling clutter, with notices carrying both English and - call it say, English +- as an aid to pronunciation as wel as for faster reading.

For exampl, try out these alternativ Quik-English spellings.

































This would arouse publicity. Even to discuss the idea!

Spellings such as gymnastics , bowls, squash, wimen , walk and weight might have to wait for an International English Spelling Comission - chaired perhaps by India?

The Idea of SkillOlympics

Contests in useful skills for modern life, especially good for television

The problem. Modern Olympic sports have limitations that make them in one way obsolete. They focus on the skills of the warrior and hunter - the running and leaping and throwing and hitting, the records for going fast and high and far and hard, and for teams like hunting bands.

Towards solutions

  • Television can make great spectator sport out of many skills needed for modern life, not just by ancient Greeks. SkillOlympics would be marvellous TV. A television camera can pick up every detail of the skills of a movement, play it slow, edit a sequence and summarise it, and show people racing neck and neck who may not even be in the same stadium or studio.
  • Panels of judges can rate subjective features like quality of product and grace of movement, and a common final judgement is blazoned at the touch of a computer key.
  • Spectators can enjoy the thrills of the contest - and find themselves learning the skills too.
  • Almost any skill can be developed for Skill-Olympics if a club can organise to arrange an event. Weed-pulling, cartooning, dishwashing against machines, monster jigsaws, tree-climbing, counter-checkout, window-display with materials given, impromptu verse, recitation, gift-wrapping, ditch-digging, toddler-training, DIY carpentry, carpet cleaning - and at the end of the event, your home or workplace can be far better than it was before!.
  • Some of the old Greek Olympian contests in poetry and drama and music were dropped when Olympics were revived because modern Olympics could focus only on what can be seen from a distance, dramatically, by enormous audiences, and required scores that can be objectively measured or timed. But since they can now be shown in detail by television cameras and judged by television panels, these ancient competitions could also be reinstated as international SkillOlympic events.
  • SkillOlympics are less injurious.
  • Years spent training for SkillOlympics are not wasted even for the losers, while even for the victors. SportsOlympics competitors, losers and winners, can devote their youth to going up and down or to and fro or round and round (e.g. 35,000 kilometres by paddle since Barcelona regarded as 'wasted' by a kayak competitor who 'only got bronze).
  • Everyone can have a chance to compete in a SkillOlympics, because such a wider variety of talent can be encouraged, not just physical abilities that are limited to the few who are constitutionally outstanding.
  • Non-sexist. In many skills in SkillOlympics men and women can compete together without discrimination. In SportsOlympics, men and women have to compete separately in almost all events, because record-making women cannot reach the standard of the record-breaking men. This is because in early societies men evolved as the hunter warriors, valuing great physical strength and speed for sudden intense exertion, but women as gardener-gatherers needed endurance and patience for constant toil. So for young girls and women, outdoor games and sports have been intrinsically enjoyable non-competitive pastimes, whereas they have been tests of manhood for primitive male egos.
  • No doping and other such scandals that bedevil Sports Olympics. They would hardly help in a SkillOlympics. Nobody need risk their future health by drugging up - which is likely only to slug up their skills.
  • SkillOlympics need not be limited to international competition in the same event. Each country can bring entrants for its own cultural special skill - such as carving in wood or stone, graffiti, boomerangs, basket-making, cuisine, origami, elaborate hair-dressing, embroidered jackets, inventing novelties, calligraphy, yodeling, singing lullabies, telling stories.
  • SkillOlympics can further attract tourists by encouraging picturesque local skills and culture - which will benefit the host town for a generation.
  • Any little place can start up its SkillOlympics. It does not need vast and varied stadia, as long as there can be a TV audience somewhere in the world whenever the events are staged.

and see Melbourne Commonwealth Games, 2006, the OzOlympics that could have been

An exclusive view of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games

Melbourne has always led world firsts in many fields, such as the Eight Hours Day and um, um . . Now the Melbourne Commonwealth Games are another World First, with OzOlympic Medals, SkillOlympics, National Olympics, InvenOlympics and contributions to Olympoethics, Olympospeak, and WishOIympics, a Bedtime story for politicians to tell the children. (and even Graffiti medals)

You can find the News here, that was not on the official calendar.

New Events

Suggestions have been made for new events, such as Darts, Snooker and Foot-in-Mouth. Others include:

  • The Arms Race, using arms rather than legs.
  • How Silly Can You Get . HOSCYG sports. To have a laugh occasionally.

Useful sports. Such as

  • Headfreighting - with a jar on your head.
  • Safe-driving, with obstacles such as bicycles, straw pedestrians, cars zooming in out of intersections without warning, red lights, slippery sections, speed humps, and a speed limit of 60k
  • Generating electricity by bicycle or windlass.
  • Weightlifting for nurses, carers and carters

See SkillOlympics

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Improved Medal Tables

1. The Table of Gold and The Goldest Medal

2. Medals for the Media - 1. Gilt or Mica 2. Tinsel 3. Brass or Brazen

3. 39 extra Gold Medals for the Melbourne Games, and one Laurel Wreath

1. The Table of Gold

1. The Table of Gold stands next to every final Olympic Medals Table and shows how much each country and sponsors spent on training hopeful elites for Olympics - Institutes of Sport, specialists, childhoods spent training, etc. These sums do not include what a country spends on sports open for the all the people's health and enjoyment. Some countries might concentrate all their Olympic funding on a few sports, but from an international point of view it is good if every country, however small, has a speciality to give it a chance to hold up its head in this international geffuffle.

The Table of Medals and the Table of Gold at present almost match - but not quite. The more gold you spend, the more Gold you get.

Cost per Medal. The Medal Table as a third column - how much each country effectively spent per medal on producing its elite Olympic Team.

The 39 Goldest Medals for the Honour of Nations

40 Gold Medals to be awarded at the Melbourne Games have never been awarded before, but by gumleaf, it is time that something was done to work for them.

Day and night, athletes round the world have been in strict training, exerting every fibre to win those 40 medals. Their trainers and supporters have been just as full of energy and enthusiasm, and their money-raisers too. They will have a whole Sports Page every day as the great Games event draws nearer, and their names are on everybody's minds and lips. All over the world, thousands, if not millions of youngsters dream of emulating these sports stars, and start disciplining themselves for the struggle too. Dreams, visions - the fruit of intense dedication of young lives. Goldest Medals for the Honour of Nations are each calculated as per 100,000 population.

As a high-point of the Melbourne Olympics, as many of the Gold Medals as can be presently are awarded to the countries whose 'social athletes' are most successful in the following events (to avoid invidious distinctions, listed in alphabetical order, not order of priority):

Any invidious recriminations about the awards are held over until the next Games, when disputers can show whether their own nation has really the right to the Gold.

The Improved Olympic Medals Table

Medal Table for each country

Gold Table of how much each country spent on its Olympic athletes

Cost per medal for each country


The Goldest Medal for the Honour of Nations

Goldest Medals for the Honour of Nations could be awarded at the finale of the Olympic Games.

Records could be established, each calculated as per 100,000 population.

At issue is the prospect that if every nation gives coverage almost entirely to the exploits of their own nationals - then what price glory that only the winnders know about? Is Sports Glory simply to distract us from our failures to perform and achieve as a nation in other areas of life?

The 39 Goldest Medals

Goldest Medals for the Honour of Nations
Contests for Governments

Gold Medals are awarded for: (here in alfabetical order)

1. Active popular participation in culture, democracy and sport.

2. Assured survival of endangered species.

3. Best care of children/the elderly/handicapped/mentally ill

4. Community service an accepted part of everyone's recreation

5. Decent housing available for all.

6. Efficient emergency action services

7. Encouragement of constructive innovation and enterprise.

8. Fewest homeless people. Fewest substandard homes or shanties

9. Fewest murders, fewest robberies, fewest rapes, Fewest people in prison

10. Fewest people with incomes more than twenty times the minimum wage, or where there is no minimum wage, more than twenty times any female factory worker.

11. Fewest total people killed in armed riots, massacres or wars.

12. Fullest employment. (in useful jobs if it is possible to assess this)

13. Greatest contributions to harmony in international relations.

14. Greatest contributions to social improvement.

15. Greatest contributions to the arts.

16. Greatest sportsmanship in cheering all nations' successes, accepting judges' decisions, and accepting any failures of one's own.

17. Highest business standards of honesty, reliability, efficiency quality of products and conditions for workers. Highest worker standards of honesty, reliability, efficiency and quality of product

18. Highest literacy - able to read a newspaper and say what features are about. Able to write a letter to a newspaper about something good or bad

19. Highest political standards of honesty and openness of information

20. Highest Quality of Life (there is an index available for this. See Global Ideas Bank)

21. Highest standards of human rights.

22. Least crime.

23. Least difference between rich and poor.

24. Least Gross Unnecessary Suffering (there is an index available for this for this)

25. Least political/economic censorship

26. Least sales of arms to other countries

27. Lowest proportion of forests denuded

28. Most desert reclaimed. Most trees planted and surviving two years

29. Most exciting scientific, medical and technological advances.

30. No child lives in poverty.

31. No children conceived unwanted.

32. No deliberate brain-damage by citizens

33. No soil-degradation by human agency.

34. No violence by the stronger against the weaker.

35. Non-polluting efficient public and private transport.

36. Nurture of the heritage of the past.

37. Pro-social advertising and media entertainment.

38. Provision for the needy.

39. Sustainable primary and secondary production.

Goldest Medal total assessments can relate to GNP. The greater the disparity between Goldest Medal and GNP, the greater the shame for the nation.

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EcOlympics could be a TV Reality Show. Well, it could be.

It is about two things - Living with Least Waste, and Having a Good Time. One without the other is a miserable state of affairs.

  • We have SportsOlympics, and there could be SkillOlympics - and there could be EcOlympics.
  • SportOlympics is to see who are the champions who can go fastest, highest, longest - and other physical measures of speed and strength.
  • SkillOlympics is to see who are the champions in a wide range of useful skills. People watching them can pick up those skills too.

EcoLympics is to see who are the champions at living with least waste while having a Good Time. And so on.

The Goldest Medal total assessments could be related to GNP of each country. The greater the disparity between Goldest Medal and GNP, the greater the shame for the nation.

What a lot of Ideas for Medals for participating Nations!