What sort of spelling could be user frendly for everyone - readers, writers, learners and internationaly?

See here also for updates,

as Faster Spelling principles are shortened into 7 Rules

A spelling system to represent the English language, not just its speech sounds.
Maximises the advantages of present spelling and cuts its disadvantages
Recognises children's language abilities that they can use before they can consciously
analyse and blend sounds easily.

7 rules for reading that also keep TO understandabl.

Transitional rules 3 and 7 are not needed for writing.

  1. Represent formal unslurred speech with broadband fonemes
  2. Consistent phonemic spelling table for speech sounds, including for terminal vowels, and with name-vowels accented
  3. 31 frequent irregularly spelled words remain as sight words, eg
    of off one only once other pull wh- and endings -ion/-tion/-sion plus -zion
  4. Consistent spellings for grammatical inflections eg -s, -d
  5. Suffixes do not change the spelling of word-units, e.g. cowboy partys
  6. If words sound the same they are spelld the same, unless that would really confuse.

7 Seven additional vowel spellings for reading only

Note: When grav accents are used, they may not appear in their original form on some browsers. The option of grav accents is to distinguish long vowels A E I O U from short vowels a e i o u, using a single character, without the disadvantages of the expedients of two-letr vowel spellings, dubld consonants or 'magic e' straddling intervening consonants.

The first two rules could be: -
  1. Represent formal unslurred speech, conventionalìsed so that it is international - for example 'banana' can have three 'a' sounds in it, but it is a very easy spelling to read and write.
  2. A single table sets out consistent phonemic spelling for all consonants and vowels, including a consistent set of spellings for vowels at the ends of words, as in

    pity play be hi-fi go tabu banana for saw cow boy.

    When needed, discreet grav accents à è ì ò ù. distinguish the long vowels (that are spoken like the names of the ABC letters) from the short vowels a e i o u. This tactic has tremendous linguistic advantages in representing the English language in print, as you will see. It solves the problems of 'magic e' and the way that the short and long sounds of the primary vowels often switch within word families, eg privasy/prìvat finish/fìnal repetition/repèt national/nàtion production prodùs

    These two rules can then be modified by four further rules:

  3. Keep the irregular spellings of around thirty very common words that constantly appear in text, so that a page of text will still look familiar. It is the dozens, hundreds and thousands that stop so many people becoming literat, but even children can learn 31sight words: -

    All almost always among com som could should would half kno of off one only once other pull push put as was what want who why, plus 'wh' and internationally-known word endings -ion/-tion/-sion plus -zion.

    'Had I the hevens embroiderd cloths
    Enraut with gòld and silver lìt
    The blu and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of nìt and lìt and the half lìt
    I would spred the cloths under yur fèt.
    But I, bèing poor, hav ònly mì drèms.' (Yeats)

  4. Show English grammar for faster reading for meaning, by consistent spelling of 's' or 'es' for plurals and verb endings, and 'd' or 'ed' for participle endings, with 'ss' when needed to clarify singular nouns.e.g

    The prinses and prinsesses played tenis, which is a gàm held to be as òld as chess.
  5. Show units of meaning (morfemes) without changing them when inflections are added, for example: - cowboy babys copyd
  6. Spelling distinctions between words that sound the same (homofones) only for those very few words found to risk confusion - eg perhaps tu/too/tuw. Most words already speld the same cause no confusion when we read them in context. In this sentence alone are:- distinction, sound, found, cause.

    Exampl of Six-Rule-Spelling: -

    'Had I the hevens embroiderd cloths
    Enraut with gòld and silver lìt
    The blu and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of nìt and lìt and the half lìt
    I would spred the cloths under yur fèt.
    But I, bèing poor, hav ònly mì drèms.' (Yeats)

  7. A TEMPORARY SEVENTH RULE - For reading only, but not for writing, a seventh rule may be added at present, so that readers can recognise and accept dubld consonants and vowel spelling patterns ai, ea, ee, igh, oa, ew and ir, each to be read one way only. These need not be used by writers, and so require recognition only and not the harder task of recall.

1. Consonants.

All consistent, as in






See 'Stage 1' for some temporary expedients while present spellings are changing.

2. Vowels

Tàbl 1. Eleven of the 19 vowel sounds have one spelling each, varying only for final position:

Vowel sound

spelling in final position

oo as in book
stork/ faun
put ?pwt


Tàbl 2. Eight vowel sounds have 2-6 alturnativ spellings, according to position in a word

Vowel sound

Spelling of vowel

Spelling in final position

OO as in boot

bait basis bàt ba:t
thesis beet bèt be:t
bind byt bìt bi:t
goat gold gòld go:ld
mùt miut mu:t
cart banana bazaar
boot rùt

bay balà
be bee
her fur

That is, 48 spellings represent 19 English vowel fonemes, instead of the present hundreds.

Reason for retaining 48 spellings - Flexibility during transition, and homofones can be distinguishd as needed.

The unclear vowel is the 20th English vowel sound. See Spellings for the unclear 'schwa vowel' below. * The word PERTURB shows spellings for both stressd & unstressd sylabls.

Tàbl 3. Spelling sequences of vowels
. Spellings that represent singl sounds as in the table above are in brackets.

Vowel sequences

- a
- o

a. aa ae ai ao au

e. ea ee ei eo eu

i. ia ie ii io iu

o. oa oe oi oo ou

u. ua ue ui uo uu


ìdea creàt clear

dìal spesial

boa oàsis

dual uzual quak





suet quest



skiing, flying

gòing (boil)

fluid quit



iota milion


duo quote



(miut) pius



That is, there are no clumsy three-letr strings for sequences of vowel sounds.

Dictionaries can use these principles for consistent pronunciasion keys. These keys will almost always be identicl with standard Faster Spelling, while still closely resembling present spelling. The exepsions are for long vowels with mor than one posibl spelling, and a few 'exeption words'.

3. Grammaticl and morfemic principls:

Reason: To facilitate fast reading for meaning, and avoid the need to make close auditory distinctions in spelling that at present are not required.

1. Verbs and plurals end in S regardless of sound /s/ or /z/, as in CATS, DOGS
Words ending in /s/ can be distinguishd by SS as needed, as in PRINSESS/PRINSES

2. Participl endings as in JUMPD/LERND/ NOTED regardless of /d/ or /t/ articulation

3. Afixes. Words do not change with afixs, eg. PARTI/ PARTIS, FLY/ FLYS/ FLYING/ FLYT,
VAIRI/ VAIRIUS/ VAIRID/ VAIRIING/ (cf SKIING) VAIRIÀSION, except when pronunciation changes: -

a) Insert dropd vowels when stress chanjes,as in METL/ METALLIC, CRÈTUR/ CREATD.
b) Accents to show long vowels are dropd when vowel becomes short, as in

4. Apostrofes are optionl, used to avoid confusion as in BILL'S BILLS.

No apostrofe for common abreviations, as in DONT, CANT ISNT.
Apostrofes can be used for abreviations such as IT'S (it is) GOV'T, PARL'T.

 4. How pronunciation is shown in spelling.

Just as speakers pronounce words from dictionries with their own local accents, local variation wil continue in pronouncing Faster Spellingl. However, because spellings are consistent unlike present spelling, and standard unlike 'spelling as you speak', there is not the problem of growing unintelligibility between national Englishes. The spelling can help to keep them in comunication, just as it can help lerners of English language.

  1. The 5 long vowels A E I O U

    In initial and medial place, and final ù as in MÈNÙ, the five long vowels A E I O U can be shown by grav accents, mainly as aids for lernrs, not to be made into a burdn. Most accents can be omitd in adult text. Spelling patrns can also distinguish vowel sounds, as in. HOPING/ HOPNG, or colons can be used to aid word identification in email or hasty handwriting when the less intrusiv grav accents or dots are impracticabl , e.g. WEEL, WÈL or WE:L.

    Grav accents are preferred as diacritics because they are less instrusiv for fast readers, rather than macrons which teachrs sometimes use. Dots could be less intrusive still. If keybords could show dots over long vowels, and remove the dots from short i and j, it has been calculated that text would be no more 'dotty' than it is now.

    Reason. The five English 'long vowels' are the greatest bugbear in present spelling, and greatest problem for spelling reformers. To represent them as a e i o u plus a minimal accent or dot is a solution that is economic, requires minimum change from present spelling, and retains visual relationships in word families that sometimes exchange short and long vowels, as in PROCESSION/PROCÈDE, SUCSESSION/SUCSÈD, NATIONAL/NÀTION, DEDUCTION/DEDÙCE. A common argument against spelling reform is that it would obscure these relationships. This strategy actualy enhances them when present spelling does not.
  2. Consistent conventions to spell classicl stems and sufixes

    Reason. These maintain visual resemblance to present spelling and more importantly still, to spellings of these words in other major languages, to enhance international comunication. When these conventions are pronounced in ordinary speech, they result naturally in the slurred pronunciations that English-speaking pepl are acustomd to - so spellng them slurrd as a spelling reform is not necessary for readers. Even children quikly make the jeneralisations as riters, because the convensions are consistent and lojical.

    2. /tch/ as in QUESTION PICTUR NÀTUR
    3. /zh/ as in VIZION TREZUR
    4. -ion can be condensed to -N as in VIZN, COMPETISN, SUJESTN when preferrd.
  3. Unclear unstressd vowels.
    Unstressed vowels cause adult spellers most problems, since no definit vowel sound is perceived. There are five degrees of clarity in unstressed English vowels, and 'Fast Spelling' has consistent and lojicl stratejies for them.

    1. Unspoken unclear vowels. Omit, as in TECNICLY, DIFRENT.
    2. Unclear vowels replaced by sylabic consonants as in PATD, SILABL, ANSR. To prevent long consonant strings which can be confusing to decode, vowel E can be optionly inserted, e.g either REPRESENTD or REPRESENTED.
    3. Unstressed schwa ER as in HER CONSERT. Contrast PURFECT/ PERFECT.
      In final position, these unclear vowels may be speld R or A as in SINGR, MORTR, BANANA
    4. Suffixes with unclear vowels are speld consistently with 'A'
      -ABL, -ANT, -ANS/ANSS, -ARI, -AT -ALY -IAL as in
    5. Stressd schwa. The spelling ur shows where the stress is placed in a word with an unclear vowel, as in OCUR PERTURB URBN PATURNITY/PATURNL/PÀTER GURL
  4. Irregular stress in words. Showing pronunciation in spelling

    Irregular stress on the second syllabl can be shown to help learners of literacy and English language by:
    1. dubld consonants when needed, mainly for lernrs, e.g. UMBRELLA, CANALL,
      REJECT/ REJECCT, CONTENT/ CONTENNT, or use of bold letrs as in REJECT.
    2. UR as in FRATURNITI contrasts with FRATRNÌZ or FRATERNÌZ.
  5. 'Pronunciation Spellings' - Some words could be pronounced according to their present spelling, as they alredy are in some dialects and colonies: e.g

    ONE might be respeld WON, so that the word family was- ÒNLY WON WONSS ALÒN.
  6. Dubld consonants are used in three ways only, not capriciously as at present, and only as needed:
    1. Final /ss/. DENSS is distinguishd from DENS.
    2. To show irregular stress - COMITTI distinguishd from COMITI.
    3. RR to show a short vowel is pronounced rather than AR OR or UR, to help lernrs -eg CARROT CORRAL CURRANT are not pronounced as CAR-OT, COR-AL CUR-ANT.
  7. Words that sound the same (homofones)are speld the same except for five sets where context may not automaticaly direct the meaning: - TU/ TOO/ TUW, FOR/ FAUR , HOL/ WHOL, NO/ KNO, AND THAY'R PUTTING THAIR HATS OVER THER.

    Pronunciation Spelling could eventualy solv these potential confusions.

    Reason. The English language is alredy full of words that are pronounced and speld the same, but cause no confusion, exept as jokes,(eg. THE TRUCK HAD A TENDER BEHIND) because context automatically directs the right meaning to us. Check anything you read and you will find dozens of words like LIKE EVEN JUST WILL CAN MAY CASE TABLE with many meanings, but you will have noticed only the one that fits the sense. New vocabulary is constantly increasing the number of words that sound the same -eg DEFAULT MOUSE RAM HARD CAPS SCREEN FOLDER ENVELOPE CELL NET FIELD SERVER
  8. Forin words from other writing systems may be re-speld when suficiently adoptd into English, eg. DEPO, DEBRI, RESTURANT, MERANG, PASTILL, SARJNT BALÀ AMATUR but some may remain obdurat special cases, eg. BURJOISI, LINJERIE, BOQUET, MILIEU.
  9. Interim rules as present spelling is fazed out.
i. C and K. In initial position, principls as in present spelling:
C precedeS A O U as in CAT, COT, CUT. K precedes E I as in KEG. KIT.
Medial position: C as in ACT CARACTR.
Final position: K as in COK, MÀK, MÀKING, MÀKR, C as in MUSIC, LIMERIC

ii. QU can be gradualy replaced with KW and X with KS should this prove desirabl.

iii 'Sight words'. be A few very common words can retain their irregular spellings temporarily to preserv the apearance of text, and so help to prevent rejection of reform at first sight. A dozen 'sight' words are no burden for lernrs. It is thousands that are the problem. e.g OF and OFF , ALL HALF ONE ONCE PUT WAS (WS?) WHAT WHO WHOSE . COULD/WOULD/SHOULD are problematic - how much can these spellings be cut now? (CD, CUD, COUD, CWD, CUUD, COOD, COULD?)

iv. Internationl sientific vocabulary from Greek roots such as pneuma, pseudes, psi and pteris may retain initial silent letrs to avoid problems of dictionry serches and internasional recognition e.g.

v. No forced respelling of proper names. It is up to their owners to decide on changes and how dificult they want their spellings to be.

Reasons for flexibl and optionl spellings during transition.
  1. Basicly, according to what the market wil bear. A start can be made.
  2. Present spelling alredy lists thousands of alturnativ spellings in dictionaries, and gradually the simpler spellings win out - e.g. FANTASY not PHANTASY, JAIL not GAOL.
  3. Most pepl, like me, wil be inconsistent during transition, and as they gradualy extend their repertoir and their preferences for streamlined spelling.
  4. A standardised spelling system is essential for ease of automatic reading and writing and for maintenance of a common English languaj, but there is latitude within this for a limited ranje of alturnativ spellings. We adapt visualy to an enormus ranje of fonts today (even too many. Absolute punctiliousness to the third decimal is not always necessary in maths calculations - but some degree of accuracy is essential.
    Virtue does not reside in absolute punctiliousness in spelling eithr, altho some degree of standardisation is essential. Virtue in fact resides in ethical behavior, which tends to receive less attention than spelling 'mistakes'.
  5. A litl can make a crucial difrence. Reformrs out for wholesale reform, when it may not yet be practicabl, may not realise that even 'when in dout, leave it out' can make an enormus difrence to lernrs and spelrs on the cusp of despair in reading and riting. So much more becomes decodabl and encodabl - the remaining burden has lost those 'last straws', and a ha'port of tar proves betr than none.

Sampl Texts in Faster Spelling

i) Text for adults resembles spellings in braud-band pijin.

Riters can opt for alturnativ vowel spellings such as MAID, WEEL, LIGHT, BRIGHTR or colons as in EXI:TMENT, LI:T, when acsents are not posibl, or when singl vowel letrs mìt alow confuzions, as with MAD, WEL, LIT. Running text is 13.5% shortr. 95% of letters are not changed. 36% of words are not changed, and apart from deletions, 79% of words are unchanged or changed by one letter only.

It was on th furst day of th nù year that the anounsment was màd almòst simultàniusly from three obsurvatrys, that the mòtion of th planet Neptùn, the outrmòst of all the planets that wèl about the Sun, had becom very erattic. A retardàtion in its velosity had been suspectd in Decembr. Then a faint remòt spek of lìt was discovrd in the rèjon of the perturbd planet. At ferst this did not cauz eny very gràt exìtment. Sìentific pèpl however found the intelijence remarkabl enuf, èven befor it becàm knòn that th nù body was rapidly gròing larjer and brìter and that its mòtion was quìt difrent from the orderly prògres of the planets.

ii) Faster Spelling for beginrs and English language lernrs

can use acsents for all long vowels. Gravmarks apply to around 4% of caractrs, one word in five. Sight-word, WAS. Iregular stress on the second sylabl is shown as in OBSURVATRIS, PERTURBD,ERATTIC

It was on the furst day of the nù year that the anounsment was màd almòst simultàniusly from thre obsurvatrys, that the mòtion of the planet Neptùn, the outermòst of aul the planets that wèl about the Sun, had becom very erattic. A retardàsion in its velosity had bèn suspected in Desembr. Then a fànt remòt spek of lìt was discoverd in th rèjion of th perturbd planet. At ferst this did not cauz eny very gràt exìtment. Sìentifik pèpl howevr found th intelijens remarkabl enuf, èvn befor it becàm knòn that th nù body was rapidli gròing larjr and brìtr and that its mòtion was quìt difrent from th orderly prògres of the planets.
2. TH BÙTIFL PRINSESS story in Fastr Spelling

Half the words in this story hav irregulr spelling in our present system, so this story demonstràts maximum text chanjes requird for reform. A SurplusCut version is 8.3% shortr. Fastr Spelling is 15.4% shortr, and changes 8% of letrs, apart from adding gravmarks. The spelling 'w' for the vowel sound as in 'book' is a sujestion, and a betr solution may be found.

31 comon wurds and the affix -tion remain unchanged.

Once upon a tìm, the bùtiful dautr of a gràt majisn wontd mor perls tu pwt amung her trezùrs. "Lwk thru th sentr of th moon when it is blu," sed her muthr in ansr to her question. "U mìt fìnd yr hart's dezìr."Th prinsess lafd, becauz she doutd thèz wurds. Insted, she ùzd her imajinàsion, and mùvd intu th fotografy bisnis, and twk pictùrs of the moon in culr. "I persèv mòst sertnly that it is almòst whòly wìt," she thaut. She also found that she could màk enuf muny in àt munths tu bì herself tuw lovly hùj nù jùels too.
3. Dictionry pronunciation gide.

All spellings in this story cd be ùsed as a dictionry pronunsiasion gide for beginrs, but TREZURS, QUESTION, LAFD, IMAJINASION,OF, LOVLI requìr the extra rùls.

5. Notes on the gide-lines

  1. A standard spelling, rathr than 'spelling as you speak' is needed:

    - for computer translation into other languages
    - a check on the runaway development of new 'English languages'.
    - to ensure comprehension across accents, dialects, and individual abilities to encode.

    In personl comunications, however, spelling inexactitude should not be regarded as if it were a moral lapse. Optionl alternativ spellings are acceptabl during transition, and also allow temporary flexibility in experimentation to arrive at the most useful spelling forms.

    Transition servs as a testing time to ensure that the best solutions are found.

    'Regularity' is defined as consistent use of the most logicl/useful grafeme, not as it has been commonly undrstood, as 'the grafeme that most frequently represents a foneme'.

  2. Vowels

    i. Reduction of over 240 vowel spelling patrns to forty-eight allows interim continuation of alternativ spellings, while smoothing transition to a future system of one-sound/ one-spelling, assisted by the testing time to find the best solutions.

    ii. Position of vowels. Faster Spelling systematises the present spelling practice of spelling some vowels differently if they end a word. An advantage of distinctiv spelling patrns for final vowels is clarity of word-structure and compound words, as in 'BOYISH PLAYRS PLOWING'. Long-vowels that end words need no diacritics except to distinguish words such as CÙ and CU.

    iii. Long vowels are the biggest bugbear in English spelling. The present hotchpotches of expedients are major boobytraps, while reformrs' sensibl respellings with digrafs (2 letrs for one sound) look so difrent that they are oftn rejectd as uncouth. Faster Spelling's solution is singl vowel letrs with optionl grav accents as needed. Advantajes are:

    Visibl relationship of short and long vowels in word families is a neat answer to the common 'Chomskian' objection to spelling reform. They help lernrs to identify meanings of related words, such as CONCÈD/CONCESSION. During transition, claims can be tested, that such linkage also helps skild readrs to read text fastr for meaning

    Aid for learners. J H Martin used macron diacritics over long vowels in teaching beginrs to read. This aided reading present spelling too, cf Fastr Spelling's edùcàsion. They added marks in their own writing only if they chose. This suits lernrs' 'natural spelling' tendencies to spel long vowels like short, eg. SUZI MIT LIK AN ISCREM.

    Accents may be omitd in adult text when confusion is not likely, eg. educasion. Diacritics need not pepr th print when context givs suficient clues. Ideally I think a dot over a vowel would be the least intrusiv and most helpful diacritic, if tecnology came up with a singl stroke way of typing such a caractr. If the existing dots over 'i' and 'j' were discarded, I am informd that the result would be no greatr numbr of diacritics in text than we alredy hav.

    Miniml visibility of grav accents does not disrupt reading. The direction of the accents go with the flow of the eye and the flow of hand-writing and are required for less than one word in five. Colons (:) can be substituted when email, typewriters or hasty writers cannot handl accents, but accents are singl stroke on Continental keybords, are availabl for most fonts in word-processors, and customising, internet and email formatng capacities ar continualy improving. Accents can be used acording to house styl, personl prefrence or limitations of transmission. Experience wil show what is realy needed.

    Greatr economy. Singl letrs are suficient to spel 21 of the 48 vowel grafemes, and only two letrs are needed for multipl vowel sequences such as PÒET. See Table 2.

    iv. Some spelling issues

    a) Shortr function words as contrast. Is fast reading for meaning aided by the present spelling practice of shortr spellings for function words and longr spellings for meaning- bearers, to make th structure of sentences mor visibl? eg. BE/ BEE, SO/ SOW, THE/ THEE?

    b )LONG U. IU as in MIUT is a pijin spelling that present readers recognise imediatly.

    c) The vowel with no distinctiv spelling' - as in PUT, GOOD, WOULD, WOLF. A posibl Welsh solution to the problem might be to use 'w' as a vowel also. Other solutions like UU are unpopular, but 'w' is visualy and fonemicly close to 'UU and perhaps could be used only in lerners' spelling as half-way to UU, but a betr solution would be welcomed. WWD A SAKFWL OF WWL BE HARD TO PWL ? - Anothr posibility might even be to omit representation of this vowel altogethr. WD A SAKFL OF WL BE HARD TU PL?

  3. How spoken English is representd in Faster Spelling

    3.1. Pronunciation is representd as in formal public speaking. Spellings as in TREZÙR PICTÙR SPESIAL MILION are naturaly slurrd by articulation processes even in forml speech, and there is no need to furthr reduce their spellings to PICHA, NÀCHA etc.

    3.2. No aditionl auditory distinctions are required.

    i. 'th/ th'. Pijin spellings promote popular litracy becaus they do not require auditory discriminations that not only dyslexics may find dificult. No new spelling distinction is needed between voiced and unvoiced /th/ sounds. Silent readrs need none and spelrs need to be spared new hassl. Lernrs of English can have bold or undrlined print for voiced /th/ ; their greatr problem is usualy trying to say /th/ at all. Listenrs notice when lernrs say "dis ting" or "zis sing" but merely the 'wrong' /th/ is rarely noticed.

    ii. /s/z/ sound differences in plural and verb endings result from articulation, which govrns whethr a final S spelling wil be pronouncd /s/ or /z/ ,as in saying cats and dogs. Children naturaly use jeneralisation in lerning languaj and esily jeneralise plural and verb '-S' spellings. These then provide readrs with visual grammarr in readng for meaning and saved them from unnecessry auditry and spelling discriminations in riting new vocabulary.

    3.3. The unclear vowel schwa. Faster Spelling's SurplusCut rules give lernrs more clues than Cut Spelling, and help in segmenting words. eg. NÈDED not NEDD and ERRER not ERR.

    3.4. Stress in words. The location of irregular stress in words is shown thru dubld consonants eg COMITTI or omiting spelling for weak schwa vowels, as in MELNCOLI, TIPICL, PRAMBÙLÀTR.

    3.5.'Spelling Pronunciation'. A trend to pronounce words as they are speld has been a significant feature of spoken English for over 200 years, eg. the French initial /h/ is now usualy pronounced in HOSPITAL and HOTEL, and HERB, HONEST, HOUR, HEIR should follow. This trend could cut some Gordian knots when the English languaj itself sets problems for rationl spelling - that is, rathr than changing the spelling, chanje the pronunciation to match the spelling, as suggestd by Professor N. Collinge of Manchester University. Some spellings of words accord with regionl pronunciations which could be acceptd as the standard, eg. to distinguish current homofones such as SON/SUN WON/ONE.

    3.6. Backward compatibility. To decipher text in obsolete English spelling, future users of Faster Spelling need awareness that it had many surplus and misleading letrs, the GH patrns, C and G as in CIRCUS andGARAGE, Y for final i, the forty most common irregular words, how to 'fudge' spellings to gess words in context, and using a dictionary for the meanings of obsolete vocabulary, as the English language too is changing fast.

  4. Words that sound the same (Homofones)

    The homofone argument against spelling reform is not an issue. The English language is full of sets of words that sound the same and are speld the same. Words like LIGHT have dozens of meanings. Readrs of text are rarely aware of these homografs, because context automaticly directs the meaning, except for LETTER/LETTER. No longer having to make unnecessry distinctions, spelrs wil be less burdend and computer spelchekrs less unreliabl.
  5. Imported words.

    Most importd words can be given an English spelling, but some, especialy French, are so problematic to respel they may be best left as visibly imports. Lernrs can be givn a page showing Continental sounds and common forin spelling patrns and pronunciation rules- eg. BOUCLÉ BOUFFANT BOUTIQUE BOUDOIR BOUFFE BOUILLON BOUQUET BOURGEOIS BOURGEOISIE - rather than attempting as some do, BUURZHWAAZEE and BOEKAI or even BÙKLÀ, BÙFANT, MENAAJ - until such words have become mor anglicised in everyday speech, as in BEEF, MUTTON, DEPO, AMATUR and CADETT.
  6. Future reforms wil be based on experience with Faster Spelling and finding solutions for the remaining minor problem points.