What sort of spelling could be user frendly for everyone -
readers, writers, learners and internationaly

The future for English Spelling

The time is ripe to bring it up to date

The present time of unfetterd public experiment on the Internet is the greatest oportunity for internationl testing and introduction of a more consistent and simpl English spelling system. It may not last if the freedom becomes fetterd, so make the most of it now.

No drastic initial transition. Transition is a bridging period of public acceptance of more alternativ spellings with the sevral thousand alredy acceptd in dictionries. It can include Faster Spelling used as an initial lerning spelling for present spelling. Alternativ solutions to problems can be tested and improved in the popular arena. Bad Spelling' on the Net shows trends and problems that spelling improvers can take into account. Because it is a clean-up of existing spelling, features of Faster Spelling can be pickd up at difrent rates for popular personl, Internet, email, film and TV subtitling, and comercial uses. At first there wil be inconsistencies and lapses, as demonstrated in this articl. Features can be masterd a few at a time in coming to understand the total system.

SurplusCut Spelling can be taken up first for popular use and then be acceptd in schools - a common sequence for inovations in education.

A list of the 100 worst Spelling Demons with alternativ Faster Spellings can introduce Faster Spelling for popular use.

An Internationl English organisation is needed to monitor and evaluate developments and to supervise oficial implementation of outcomes, both acompanying and following this extensiv practicl trialing and testing.

Spelling reformrs who hav gon strait for pure and sweeping sound-symbol correspondence may seek drastic changes to be imposed by fiat and schools, but sweeping changes in other cuntries hav required dictatorships and/or an iliterat majority. Most successful Western spelling reforms as in the Netherlands and Germany hav been updatings used imediatly in the marketplace.

'What the market wil bear'

Decisions on this are mor art than sience. How far reform can go varies with audience. Observation shows that when most peple read print that they want to read or must read, they take litl or no notice of SurplusCut changes that are not disruptiv. Aclimatisation is most posibl thru exposure to text that hey are sure to read, as in TV subtitles. When there is no motiv to make peple want to read something, they make decisions whether to read on from first sampling the text. Obtrusiv spelling changes can be the deciding factor against reading furthr. For that reason, this Personal Vew has used miniml Surplus-Cut spelling, with most changes located towards the endings of words and sentences - that is, what reserch so far indicates most people can tolerate or not even notice. If the concept of spelling simplifcation this way then interests readers, they are free to explor it themselvs and to take it as far as they like, as in personl writing like letrs, and where concise text is an advantaj, as in hedings and labels (hedngs and làbls).

Transfer to Faster Spelling in print and electronic comunication.
Today it is a simpl matr to customise spellings for house-styls, spel-chekrs and computer-printing for new and reprintd publications. Most of SurplusCut and Faster Spelling can be produced from surplus spelling by algorithms.

Gimiks and gajets to popularise reform

- The authr's 1971 'Poket Gide to Instant Spelling' was a small card to be carried in the poket, to help poor spelrs and othrs to use consistent 'sensibl spelling'. Now the Internet could dispense its own Poket Gide, revised as public testing indicated. At first there might be as many gides put up as there are spelling reformrs, but th test of public aproval and use would eventualy sort them out. A redily updatabl Gide to Principls of Spelling could become the preferrd dictionry for the Web.

- International Spelling Day on October 9 to coincide with Korea's Great Spelling Day.

- Spelling Games for media puzl pages and schools, Spelling Calendars and greetings cards, scrabl as a way to play Scrabble, a Design-your-own-Spelling computer game, reformd spelling trialed in film and TV subtitles.

- Design your own English spelling system' is also a useful school and puzl-page exercise to understand the English spelling system. All oponents of spelling reform can be askd to try this.

- Reformd spelling as pronunciation keys in dictionaries, and set in facing pages as cribs to help lernrs read pajes in present spelling.

Further developments can include:

i. Alfanumeric. Improved letrs and numbrs for easy lerning and preventing confusions.

ii) Replace keybord caractrs Q and X with new vowel letrs. C might be used for /tsh/ as in Indonesian. But re-using obsolete caractrs would confuse internationly as wel as in compatibility with present spelling.

iii). Gramr and language changes to help to promote English as the world's internationl language, and reduce the burdn on children to lern its irregularities, e.g. with reduction of irregular verbs such as BRING/BRINGD TEACH/ TEACHD.

In the future - a breakthru to a writing system that can cross languages, like Chinese but without its dificulties; as breakthrus revolutionise other comunications tecnology. Until then, reform requires compatibility with international English spelling as it is at present, and its heritage of print, just as developments in comunications tecnology must be backwards compatibl for a period.

The prime criteria for spelling reform are imediat usefulness and future potential. Faster Spelling deservs attention, investigation and research on all these grounds.

For further notes on spelling:

1. Introduction
i. Introduction to spelling improvement - Text of a radio broadcast
ii. Rationale. - How assumptions and barriers against improving the writing system do not hold. Answering the common objections to spelling improvement.

2. Needs and abilities of users and learners: -

i. Needs and abilities of readers
ii. Needs and abilities of writers to spell
iii. Needs and abilities of learners
iv. Needs and abilities of users of international English
v. Spelling reform for the Internet (an older page)

3. The nature and teaching of English spelling

i. See the online video, http://www.ozreadandspell.com.au
ii. The underlying English spelling system that could be made more consistent
iii. Spelling patterns for the English vowels
iv. The Book of Spells & Misspells - a treasury of spelling for everyone
v. 22 Lessons in reading and spelling
vi. The 16 word spelling test for anyone who thinks they can spell
vii. Spelling and classroom practices

4. Improving English spelling

i. Spelling improvement. 2002.
ii. Seven principles to repair English spelling, 2005
iii. Cutting out the surplus letters in words.Streamline - a first step in updating spelling.
iv. Quik gidelines for a next step, with sampl texts, and furthr notes - FASTR Spelling
v. Cutting out surplus letters. 2002
vi. Further steps you can try yourself, with f, j, consistent word endings and vowel spellings.
vii. Further experiments to spel sensibly - Pronunciation and gramr, and a final solusion? / 2000
viii. The future of English spelling. What can be done?

5. Spelling as an entertainment

Spelling Games - starting with a Spelling ABC - different from a Spelling BEE
16-word Spelling Test of 16 common words that few experts can spell all correctly.
International English Spelling Day, October 9
How people spelled when they spelled as they liked before the 18th century dictionaries
Don Quixote spells in 'Spelling without traps'. - To come
Twelve Short Short storys about the fùtùr. Can u imagin a mor ùser-frendly speling sistem? Look at every wurd to see if u think its speling is a trap for lerners.


International writing systems