Spelling Improvement
English Spelling
- a colonial
If overnight English spelling were cleaned up just enough to
even 50% of illiteracy,
then within three weeks only the oldest reactionaries
would not be saying how sensibl it was.
What's stupid about English
Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German,
Korean, Turkish, Indonesian, French, Dutch . . . every other
major language in the world has had reforms of its writing
system in the past century - except English. So it can be done.
English spelling need not be turned into
phonetic 'spelling as you speak' as many spelling reformers
imagine, abandoning our heritage of print. It has a system that
only needs a 20% cleaning up to become far easier to learn
and to spell.
It is ridiculous that almost everyone is either a 'bad speller' or has wasted ages 'learning spelling' when
it is the fault of the spelling not to be easier. It should be
a tool of information technology, not a totem to keep in a
English has been the International Language of the
world, used by more people than any other language. Most are
not native English speakers. They deserve an International English
spelling, so that education, science, commerce and culture can be
more widely shared, without having to learn two English languages,
the spoken and the written.
Why bother about a Republic when the greatest English
oppression on us is English spelling - particularly hard on
the disadvantaged. Surely the Left should be concerned, as in so
many other countries in the world, helping to bring in reforms of
writing systems.
1. How to start.
Cut out surplus letters, to make spelling
esier for writers, lerners and readers.
Reserch shows this is the esiest way to start updating
English spelling. Obsolete letters that serv no purpos
to represent meaning or pronunciation of words cost us 5%
waste of paper, time and efort, and often mislead.
See The Sixteen-Word Spelling
Test. Try to spell those 16 words correctly. Most educators
and University graduats fail. Test your frends. If most peple
cannot tel where to insert the missing letters, what use ar they?
Just omit them.
Pijin spellings of English are esier to lern
and use, becaus they omit useless letters. Nobody has trubl reading
or writing them.
U may go furthr, when yr readrs ar familiar with 'surplus-cut' and shorten 'sylabic letrs' -r, -l, -m, -n, as in letr, apl, autm, goldn. SMS Texting oftn does this.
2. The aims of Fastr
Spelng for International English
- to precede the full reform of Interspel
A way to improve English spelling that follows the first
reform of cutting out surplus letters.
The five aims
To meet the needs and abilities of writers,
readers and learners, native and international, and suit the
nature of the English language
To improve the competence of all readers and writers
To promote the usefulness of English as an international
To be compatibl with present spelling and our heritage
of print
To make possible greatly improved methods of teaching
The five major features
Omit superfluous letters in words
Use consistent consonant spellings
Reduce over 240 spellings for English vowel sounds to
48, justified by reason.
Faster reading for meaning, with sound-symbol
relationships modified by grammatical, morphemic and
problem-solving principles that children can understand.
Open the way to future fuller reforms
Fastr Spelling ansers the comon
objections to impruving spelling
Access to our present heritage of print is
not lost. Visual resemblance is maintaind, and up to 95% of letrs
in text are unchanged Fastr
Spelling is backward compatibl with the present TO
(Traditionl orthografy).
Retraining for present readers is not needed.
Fastr Spelling can be read on
first sight. Like Italian or German spelling, its consistent
principls are quickly understood and used.
'Spelling as you speak' would lead to a confusion of
dialect spellings. Fastr
Spelling transcends this problem through standardised
broad-band 'diafonic' representation of speech. Spelling
conventions are like conventionalised drawings universaly
recognised, such as the sign for a man, unlike a fotograf of a
specific man. Anyone, regardless of dialect, can read or spell
banana, altho one spelling is used for three speech sounds.
English words in pijin languages show how unclutrd, broad-band
spelling aid lerning and comunication.
Visual relationships of word families. 'Chomksy
principls' are extended. Fastr Spelling
facilitates fast reading for meaning and clues to
understanding unfamiliar vocabulary by maintaining visual
relationships of word families (morfemes) and gramaticl
The nature of the English language.
Fastr Spelling suits its
multipl linguistic origins, compound word-structure, standard
inflections, many homofones and 40+ fonemes with only 26 roman
letrs to spel them. Etymology that gives clues to meaning is
'Isn't our antiquated spelling lovely!' The
urgent need for mass literacy is more important than the private
delights of mulling over 'quaint' spellings like cough/dough
/hough/ lough/ rough/slough/through/ thought/thorough. The
familiar becomes more loved than the obsolete. We dont want to
read the history of computers when using them.
'I workd hard to spell, so everyone else should.'
Dificult spelling was valued as a social screening test, but
today's needs are for eficiency, mass literacy and cutting
'Not in my time, O
Lord'. Fastr Spelling can
co-exist and interlace with present spelling. Lovers of present spelling can continue to read
and write in it. They can read Fastr
Spelling, but need never write it.
Trivial spelling teasers do not justify
mothballing reform for a ha'porth of tar'. Some posers can be
solvd by Spelling Pronunciation and a few 'exception' spellings
The interests of readrs, writers and lernrs are
not so conflicting, that any reforms that help one group must hurt
another Fastr Spelling can serv
the interests of all groups.
Costs of change. a) Cost-benefits include
shorter lerning times, reduced failure rates, skill-improvement
for the alredy literat, and the advantages of a literat peple.
b) Ful Fastr Spelling's
economy is a significant saving in materials, efort and time
c) Printing costs. Electronic updating of print is now
at the touch of a butn. Almost that peple read today has been
printd or reprintd in the past ten years, so that introduction of
new spelling does not require exessiv special new publishing,
exept for dictionaries. Present spellings would remain easily
acsessibl for many years even after the final steps in reform.
Startng reform. An internationl comission must
test and establish reforms, but anyone can start dropng surplus
letrs whenevr they like. Emails and Internet are good testing
sites. ~
The first step - SurplusCut'
Dropping surplus letters in words
The most acceptabl introduction to spelling reform indicated by
experimental reserch is to clear clutr from present spelling by
omitting useless letrs from words (Yule 1991). 'Surplus' letrs are
defined as serving no purpose in representing pronunciation or
meaning of words. They mislead lerners and increase spelling
mistakes in writing. Modern tecnological and business trends
towards streamlining are alredy shown in 'advertising spellings'
and trends in spelling change such as
develop and
program that hav been
replacing develope and
Surplus letrs that can be cut out include:-
Dubld consonants
that have no useful function in words such as accommodate.
Surveys show that over 56% of writers omit one or both surplus
letters, so acomodate makes sense.
Silent letrs can also
distort pronunciation, as in head, debt, vigour, foreign,
people, guard, queue, discipline (hed, det, vigr, forin, musl,
peple, gard, q, disiplin.
Silent final 'e' is common in
TO and esily dropd, as in minute (minut) and sieve (siv).
Advantages of cutting surplus letrs from
No waste. Up to 15% of writing in TO is
expense of time, energy, paper, money and worry.
Omitting letrs barely disrupts the appearance of
text, unlike changing words by substituting or adding more letrs.
It is therefor a sensibl place to start reform.
Letrs are not omitd where this could be
disturbing and cause new readrs to recoil and reject the whole
idea. Omission is applied in each situation according to 'what
'the market will bear. Absolute logicl consistency in cutting
letrs is not required where it might confuse lernrs and users who
are familiar with present spelling. Unclear unstressd (schwa)
vowels are not omitd if readrs may be confused by their
Empirical reserch backing. SurplusCut spelling is
based on experimentl reserch (1972, 1980, 1982,1986, 1989, 1991)
that shows that normal reading is often slowed when letrs in text
are changed, but omission of surplus letrs may be barely noticed
or not at all. Surplus letrs are least missd when cut from towards
the end of words and sentences and from less frequent words, so
these are the best sites to initiate omissions and introduce
readrs to spelling reform.
SurplusCut Spelling takes acount of cognitiv and educationl
reserch into children's 'natural spelling', how beginrs
lern to read and write (which is not necessarily how they are
taught), adult reading processes and spelling preferences, and
popular trends (1986, 1991).
SurplusCut spelling to introduce spelling reform.
The first steps in any reform are the most dificult. Public
awareness of the benefits of spelling change is an essential step.
Once useful changes start rolling, they accelerate and snowball,
and conventionl membrs of the public start conforming to the new
fashion. The wedge for reform is that once change begins in
anything formerly monolithic, and is successful, further changes
can be rapid.
In English spelling, letr-deletions are an easy start, that can
then be followd by the letr-changes that are necessary for a
logicl English spelling system. During transition, pragmatism as
well as writers' personl imperfections make temporary
inconsistencies unavoidabl. But once users discover the benefits
of improved spelling, they will want to go furthr themselvs to
reduce TO's inconsistencies. The first step in any change is
always the hardest.
Consonant changes alredy becoming popular can be taken
up and brought into mainstream spelling
now. f can replace ph to
spel /f/ and
J replace G and DG to spell
/dj/. These changes are also
familiar thru internationl as well as alternativ spellings, as
in telefon, jail, jell.
This and folowing sections are ritn with moderat dropng of
surplus letrs and f
replacing ph
English Spelling in the New
Spelling reform has been thought of as simply betr
matching of sounds and letrs. Fastr
Spelling chanjes the question to what sort of spelling
for English would most help its users and learners now.
Spelling challenjes
assumptions. Its inovativ features are based on present knolej in
cognition and education. Reserch rather than just argument is
Spelling's pragmatic
aim is to maximise the advantajes of present English spelling
while clearing up its problems - the 'present caos' described in
Fowler's English Usage. The way can be opend to improve
literacy now, and to fullr reform later, when compatibility with
traditional spelling becomes no longer a major priority.
Spelling looks like
present spelng without its clutr, so that those alredy literat do
not have new problems. Fastr
Spelling does not have surplus letrs, consonants are
consistent, and spellings for the 19 vowel sounds are reduced in
numbr and rationalised. Rules are few and consistent, and can
jenerate spellings for new words. Its flexibility can suit users
without burdens for lernrs. Dictionaries can use its principls for
pronunciation keys.
The present time of flux and inovation on the Internet
is an unprecedentd oportunity for global experiment. Anyone can
now take up Fastr
user-frendly features. Public experience during transition clears
a way to oficial internationl development, recognition and
aplication. Fastr Spellingcannot be dismissd by arguments from outdated assumptions. The
real test is whethr it works and is useful.
The five aims of Fastr
To meet the needs and abilities of writers,
readers and lernrs,
native and international, and to suit the nature of the English
To improve the competence of all readers and writers
To promote the usefulness of English as an international
To be compatibl with present spelling and our heritage
of print
To make posibl greatly improved methods of teaching
The five major features of
Fastr Spelng
Omit superfluus letrs in words
Use consistent consonant spellings
Reduce over 240 spellings for English vowel
sounds to 48, with flexibl operation justified by
reason, not obsolete custom
Facilitate fastr reading for meaning thru
sound-simbol relationships modified by gramaticl,
morfemic and problem-solving principls that children
can understand.
Open the way to future fuller reforms
'Interspel' is a generic term for aplying a set of principls, and thay can be aplied difrently acording to lerners' situations - 2, 3 and 4 ar all connected.
For exampl, a beginner might start with a trike. Then go on to a bike. Then go on to a motor-bike.
Or a beginner may print letters. then write cursive. Then tipe with tuch tiping.
So, a beginner starts withi the alfabetic principl.
Then lerns modificatons to be able to rite fairly close to present spellng but consistently.
And a few mor modifications, and can read 'spellng without traps'.
And then enything now in print will still be acsessabl, even tho spelling reform has muved on to be consistent.
On the other hand, a skild reader of present spelling may start with Surplus-Cut spellng,
to realise that English splling can be made esier to read and rite without afronting them.
Get it? It is a difrent way of looking at spelling reform, I know.
My ozreadandspell.com.au is a difrent sort of aid from the usual in lerning to read - and literat pepl such as teachers hav problems with that too becaus it is not what thay expect.
- Surplus-cut letters.
- Spelling without traps for reading. Minimal rules ar described elsewhere as u kno. Aplicatin of principls to modify present spellng to take the traps out. Vowel spelings vairy but a;l hav one pronunciation only.
- Spelling for riting without traps. Adds some mor principls to beginnrs speling which makes it closer to present spelling. But one spelling for each vowel, exept for the final vowel pattern.
- The introduction to reading and riting for beginnrs – who qikly start reading in version 2 and riting in version 3, as thay ar next introduced to the ‘minimum principls’ for modification. This is the strait alfabetic principl.
The result? Spelling reform does not abandon everything in print. The dearly beloved etimology and other cultural objections ar fixd up. But the traps go, with consistent principls to boot them out.
Instead of starting with the idea that any spelling reform must be 'spelling as you speak',
start with how the present system could be improved -
Making the most of its advantages, and removing its disadvantges -
An improved standard writing system can keep everything now in print still decipherable,
and help everyone who can read now, to read even better.
How few principles are needed to replace whole dictionaries as guides to English spelling?
Seven principles are listed here and then illustrated in action.
They can be applied in different ways, of course, and experiments are needed to find out what is most useful.
Let us start where you dont expect.
1. Since about half of everything you read is the same hundred common words repeated, then
And hey! half of everything you read will remain just as it is.
This will be great for present readers, as it immediately keeps so much of text unchanged.
It will be great for learners, as the number of irregular sight words to learn will not be too many to manage.
Very common words in the paragraf above
About half of every thing you is the same then the among the most and half of every thing you will just as they are this will be for as it so much of it will be for as the of to will not be too many to.
A varìety of ways to spell the poem The Chaos
Let's look at 8 lines from that very long epic poem called The Chaos, by the Dutchman, Gerard Nolst Trenité.
It has gone the rounds of European English Language schools for years.
A. Present spelling
with some of the trickiest spellings of words in capitals |
'Interspel for reading without traps' |
Dearest creature in creation,
Studying English pronunciation.
I will teach YOU in MY VERSE
Sounds like COURSE, CORPS, HORSE, and WORSE. (to finish)
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live. |
Dearest creature in creation,
Studying English pronunciation.
I will teach YOu in mY versE
Sounds like corpsE, corPS, horsE, and wOrsE.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live. |
4. Going back to the past - back to the etymology of present English spelling - so much for those who are keen that present spelling retains etymology |
5. Beginers alfabetic speling |
Deore creare in creation,
Estudie englisc pronuntiatio
Ic willa taecan in mi fers
Soun lich cors, corps, hors and wyrs.
Justus comparare hearte, berd and hieran,
Deghen and diete, hlaford and word,
Rond, wund, grever and sifte,
Freond, feond, life and libban |
Dèrest crètùr in creàshn,
Studìing Inglish pronunsiàshn.
I wil tèch u in mì vurs
Sounds lìk corps, cor, hors, and wurs.
Just compair hart, bèrd, and hurd,
Dìs and dìet, lord and wurd,
Rounded, wùnded, grèv and siv,
Frend and fènd, alìv and liv. |
Further Information:
How English spelling can be
updated while still remaining backward compatibl, see:
vyule. 'The design of spelling to meet needs and abilities'. Harvard
Educational Review 1986. 56: 278- 297.
vyule - Fastr Spelng: Personl Vew publishd by the Australian Centr for Social Inovation 2000.
Here are some other interesting addresses. Let us know if they drop off the web.
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