Letters in words - The 19 vowel sounds

Here  are  the  19  vowel  sounds, to say aloud with drama!

a - man....e - men.. i - bit... o - hot .....u - but
A  - rain . .E- feet. .I - night . O - boat . .U - new
.....mate. . . .Pete. . . mite. . . . .mote. . . . mute
ar - - her . .air - fair . or - for . .aw -saw
..............ur - hurt

ow - cow.....oi - coin....oo - boot......oo- look

Vowel sounds are harder to spell than consonant sounds.

English has about 19 clear vowel SOUNDS, but only 5 vowel LETTERS a e i o u to help spell these sounds.

So this makes problems in spelling.

See also:

Ways to spell vowel sounds - /svowchart.htm