OzIdeas 1999 AlternativsAlternativ Christmas
ALTERNATIV IDEAS to make Christmas real for you.GivingFor all you spend to give good things to your family and friends, give an equal amount to help the rest of the world. For example: A $199 video-game for your kid = giving also $199 to a charity, a cause, to give a better Christmas to poor people you know, or do not know, towards giving the chance of better 1999 to those who need a start. For some people, this may mean less money to give gifts you buy
for family and friends.
But some rich people might not even feel the extra giving,
and what they gave to others to match what they gave to their own
kin These 'quids for quos' could be made into a ritual. Charities and causes can provide gift cards that could be given with the gift to friend or rellie. "This gift to you has been doubled by an equal gift in your name to . . . . ." (If the receipt is in your giftee's name, they can get any tax-deduction.) Some people have so much or need so little that they prefer all the gifts given to them to be a gift to the world, and it is already common for worthy causes to supply gift cards showing that "A gift has been made in your name towards . . " maintaining a school/providing medicine/building a/ training a/purifying water at . . ." etc. These cards could be made very attractive. BuyingMany retailers rely on Christmas for survival. But it is an horrendous thought, though, to look at a shopping centre with all its goods to sell, and reflect that in three months time, 50% of the goods on display may be landfill or other waste-disposal problems. How then, can there be jobs and businesses if people do not buy products that are single-use, obsolescing, undurable? (See 'Alternative Jobs' for some recommendations. Our society need not be built on absurdities.) SOLUTIONS.
with family pre-Christmas 'Santa
Claus' listings for adults as well as children, Some people like surprises for Christmas
presents - Waste - The Waste at Christmasis in presents that people do not want or have no room
for, Some Ideas to prevent this "Christmas = Waste" 1. 'Family heirloom Christmas Decorationsthat are kept in a (non-flammable) container from year to year, up in the roof if nowhere else. When a household moves and cannot take their Family Heirloom Christmas decorations with them, they can leave the box in the roof marked as 'Household Heirloom Christmas Decorations' for the incomers, or donate to an opshop. Then only the tatty pieces need get thrown out each year. 2. Christmas Cardsare a big source of income for charities. But there is Waste in throwing them out at the end of each Christmas time. There are many alternatives -
3. Wrapping paperIt is possible to steam-iron and re-use much gift-wrap,
but the whole practice of wrapping paper at present Yet it is exciting and great fun to receive a gift all wrapped up - it seems more of a present than something handed to you penny plain. Some suggestions: -
OPEN WITH CARE!Make it part of the household ritual of gift-giving and
to open each present with care and slow-mounting excitement,
instead of just ripping off the paper without even noticing it
and scattering it and then on to wanting the next present.
Children can learn how to look at the gift-wrap, as part of the
present, FunEverything about Christmas should be happy and fun, from the preparation (not left to one sole woman but the household joining in) to the clearing up. It is partly the spirit that ensures this - but there is some 'fun' that spoils fun. You can have a Christmas party with all your senses intact, dropping the stupid inhibitions, while keeping the sane ones. People who have other sources of fun than alcohol or drugs can have more hilarious times than people who binge on destructive oral intakes. It would be good to revive informal singing by everyone. And boo to the Scrooges who say it would be awful.
But what about the supernatural?It is amazing that every year people debate about whether to tell their children lies. Surely they should always tell them the truth, at the level their children can understand. (There are things that children should not be exposed to all, but this is not the case about Christmas.) What do you say to children when they ask you about Father Christmas?You neither lie, nor spoil their happy innocence.
You tell them that Father Christmas is a Beaut Pretend, But they will all say, "Yes, we want the
Pretend" and join in,
Father Christmas is the spirit of giving. When you tell children the truth about Santa Claus, Christmas all the yearEven if your name is not Yule,
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