LITERACY LESSON 15How to play the word game
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Word analysis and Latin and Greek Vocabulary
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1. Set out the cards, suffix-side up in alphabetical order in 6 columns,
for tiles headed with -a- , -e, -i, - o, -u, and one column tiles beginning for other lettersAlternatively, with single-sided cards, all prefix cards are upside down,
and all suffix cards are right-side up.This makes not such a good game, because it does not have the trick in how suffixes get used up.
2. Player 1 picks a piece, turns it over to see the pre, and tries to think of a word beginning with the prefix. Dictionaries can be used.
Player 1 puts down his prefix card, then the rest of the word written on a card, except for any of the suffix cards the player can use.
(Getting help and passing your turn is OK.)
EXAMPLE. A player may pick up a card and turn it over, and find IM.
The player may then choose Suffix IBLE
and write on a middle card POSS,
and your word is IM -POSS-IBLE.
Score 3 for putting down 3 parts of a word.3. Player 2 picks up a piece.
turns it over to see the prefix
and tries to think of a word beginning with the prefix,
if possible using parts already in words on the board -For EXAMPLE, Player 2 may keep his piece,
but write on a card PROBA
and add it on top of POSSI,
to make IM -PROBA-BLE.
Score 2 + 1 + 2 = 5. (Scores of 2 for every word part re-used)(On Player 2's next round, Player 2 will pick up another prefix and so have 2 to choose from.)
OR Player 2 may just make a new word with the piece picked up,
(write APPOINT on a card, and pick up suffix -MENT).
4. Next player does the same thing.
DIS -COURAGE-MENT , with COURAGE piled on top of APPOINT ,
or say RE- added on top of DIS - to make RE -APPOINT-MENT,
or to get an even better score, add RE as a prefix and-ING as a suffix
to make RE -APPOINT-ING .
STOP when all pieces are used up or a set time is completed. SCORE 1 for each piece making a new word.
SCORE 2 for each piece added on top of an old word.
(Meaning of the prefix is
printed under each one.
Some prefixes have more than one meaning.)
AB- away AN- against around before against chief self good two 100 around with with with away from,
down thru apart dual badly equal out of beyond, more above, too
much under, too little IN- in between inside inside badly big, more little, less single not not new against against almost through liking, love
of after before first first for again apart partly under under over on under together across beyond UN- not one by way of
not, without
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