OzIdeasALTERNATIVE TAXESUnstuffy Ideas from Oz
ADVERTISING.A graduated advertising tax would mean that the big advertisers would pay more than the small firms, who would get more chance to increase their business. At present small firms, however good their product, get no chance to compete with the vast sums spent by the huge businesses, which often have international advertising they can bring in. ANTISOCIAL ADVERTISEMENTScan be highly taxed whenever they carry messages to steal, lie, cheat, destroy or humiliate or harm others. A surprising number do. Firms should realise that 'snatching' commercials encourage shoplifting. ATTACK-DOG TAX.Taxes on owning attack-breed and mixed-attack-breeds of dogs. This is not the same as dogs bred as guard-dogs, but for those bred, bought and kept for attack. TAX PRIVATE-TANKS (four-wheel drives) and BULLBARS driven by city residents in the capital cities.TAXED On both new and second-hand sales. Country residents exempt, including when in the city (special badges or registration signs are possible ways of indicating country residence.) This tax is to encourage those rich enough to buy four-wheel drives for the country to have little runabouts or motor-scooters for city travel. This will avoid the growing problems of traffic space, parking, dangers to other vehicles, and preventing other drivers from daring to have smaller cars and motor- scooters themselves, because drivers of private 4-wheel-drives, unlike commercial vehicles, cannot see the smaller vehicles under their noses. It is recognised that this tax could be avoided by the dishonest, but see notes about social attitudes to taxation. TAX BUSINESS-NAME CHANGES.Action is needed about the many ways in which unscrupulous businesses and rich people can avoid tax, including the way it is possible to have multiplicity of companies and trade under changing names, so that it requires extremely expensive law cases to try to unravel them. Some cleaning up of this area would also help their creditors, trying to chase up what they are owed. When Government departments change their names, the tax could be paid personally by the Minister who approves the change. TAX BY-ELECTION COSTS.High tax on pensions of politicians who resign before their term is up without serious health or tragic reasons, to pay for the by- elections they cause. Pension would be reduced to Old Age pension rates until the tax was paid off. LANGUAGE ABUSE TAXES could be given a one-year trial.This is not censorship. Talk up and pay up.
PARLIAMENTARY MISBEHAVIOUR TAXESParliamentary Misbehaviour Fines. Large fines imposed on the spot by the Speaker on Parliamentarians continuing to interject or abuse after a warning. This tax would either raise the standard of Parliamentary debate or enrich the revenue. POLITICIAN'S BROKEN PROMISE FINES'Promise deposits' paid by elected Parliamentary candidates on every election promise, together with further fines, are forfeited if promises are broken. This will help to put a brake on wild promises. PLASTIC BAG TAXESto encourage shoppers to re-use or to use baskets - or stringbags, if shops are wary of shoplifters. SCREAMING TAXon all fear screams by women on media, since they are psychosexually rousing, encourage macho and rapist sexual attitudes and desires, and are bad stereotypes and models for women and girls. SPEED TAXESSpeed and breathalyser fines should be recognised by the public as having a legitimate purpose in making revenue, as well as to reduce death and injury. VIOLENCE TAXon television, video and computer games (c/f performance royalties) with double taxes on violence in trailers, since these are gratuitous, having no claim to be required by the whole work of art, are seen by a mass audience willy-nilly, including more children and susceptible teenagers, and are more likely to influence 'unthinking' violent responses in real life since the trailers give no context, reason or justification for the violence. GENERAL COMMENTSNone of the ideas proposed here are any sillier than a lot of what goes on in government and economics already. Novelty should be no argument against constructive innovation. THE VALUE OF OUR TAXES IN PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICESAdults making their estimates of payable tax should also estimate
how much value to them personally were the services they paid
for. A checklist could be
provided - water supply, infrastructure, defence, health, transport,
education, government, justice, environment, public order and
protection, emergency services and relief etc. Taxes that Harm and Should be StoppedMany taxes are not useful. They can hurt business or hurt the poor, even though they raise money. They can encourage government to condone the spread of social evils like tobacco because the tax money is so useful.
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