Peace Marches of the FutureWar is conducted in simple black-and-white. Peace requires all the colors of the rainbow.
In simple black-and-white, one more appalling dictator has hit the dust. In more complex reality, internationally the rule of law has been broken, precedents for pre-emptive strikes by aggressors have been set, enemies of America are having a propaganda bonanza, the good that Americans have done is widely forgotten, the assumptions of civilisation have been given more loopholes to admit torture, assassination, and weapons of horrible destruction such as cluster bombs and landmines, with the expressed aim of saving freedom. And it must be said, with the expressed aim of making profits from rebuilding Iraq. Peace-marchers have been demonstrating against war. How can they demonstrate for peace? Peace-seekers are not discredited simply because overwhelming force has toppled a brutal dictator whose giant statues now also toppled throughout Iraq prove to the world his megalomania. As in most conquered countries, the mass of the Iraqi people will be grateful for the end of warfare and hope for better times without oppression. We must keep on demonstrating for those better times - not only in Iraq. The world is full of powder-kegs. What slogans for the demonstrators now? These must be based on thinking as well as feeling, knowledge as well as beliefs. The black-and-white supporters of war have been given press publicity for the ignorance that the press has fostered, with widely expressed opinions such as It is very obvious that as far as the Peace Movement is concerned, Peace is exclusively about marching and violent demonstrations - which is why it is so unpopular. The peace-movements themselves cannot be so black-and-white. Far more is needed for the rainbow colors of peace. A JUST PEACE IN IRAQ CONDEMN WEAPONS OF HORRIBLE DESTRUCTION BUILD DONT BOMB MAKE NO MORE DESERTS SUPPORT A UN INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES COURT NO CARPET-BAGGING IN IRAQ NO MORE COLONIALISM IN THE MIDDLE EAST REMEMBER THE PRISONERS OF GUANTANAMO BAY NO PROFITS FOR ARMS-SELLERS PREVENT MORE DICTATORS BY MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK TORTURE IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY NO MORE ENTERTAINMENT FROM WAR KEEP IRAQI OIL NATIONALISED FOR IRAQIS ENJOY PEACE, NOT VIOLENCE SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL LAW JUSTICE FOR ALL PRISONERS STOP THE NEXT WARS NOW WHAT PROSPERITY FOR AFGHANISTAN? WAR DOESNT JUST KILL, IT DEHUMANISES THERE ARE NOW ENOUGH DESERTS IN IRAQ FOR ENTERTAINMENT - PEACE BLOCK BUILDERS, NOT MORE WAR BLOCKBUSTERS! IMAGINE A WORLD OF PEACE - WHY CANT YOU? HOW CAN YOU? Back to Peace Index Page Back to Ozideas Home Page |